
Hair porosity and it`s important in selecting products for you hair

How the porosity test works:

1. Dictate the entire cup, not text. (People do not know why the text of the cup is dictated, but!)

2. The water is lukewarm, neither hot nor hot.

 3. Do the test on one capillary at a time. And repeat it on such poetic from different places.

4. The noodles are coming down on their own, not stinging your head.

5.  Wash  hair with a good soap with dish soap, because there is no oil or conditioner on it that makes it floating.

 6. Put it on the surface of the water to make it break the water resistance.

 7. I take 3 4 minutes, not more than that. And see most of the poems will remain above, below, or in the text.

Note:take note of these notes next to the coupe test  

 Low porosity:

It absorbs water slowly and loses it slowly

 It takes more than 8 hours to dry

 This type of hair needs light products such as creams and light oils

Medium porosity:

  Average medium in absorption of water
 It takes 4-8 hours to dry
 This type of hair does not differentiate light or heavy products from hair  

High porosity:


It absorbs water quickly and quickly loses it

 It takes 2-4 hours to dry

This type of hair needs heavy products to wrap the hair and keep it moisturized

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