efforts to increase hair growth and achieve long hair have been one of the main
goals for many curly girls in the natural hair community. Crazy stuff has been
done in its quest and for many, the means justify the ends. The latest buzz on
the streets, after the daily wash, Inversion method , daily head
massages, and what not is the rice water rinse
that, according to many gives you crazy hair growth.
Now, this rice water rinse is not completely new in the natural hair community.
However, it seems to me that there has been a newfound interest in this
homemade recipe and I decided to dig deep, do a little research on it and find
out for you if it’s worth doing it or not.
You don’t need to go very far or dig very deep to find information all over the
net about rice water. I mean, tons of blog posts have been written about it,
there are countless YouTube videos explaining and showing you how to do it and
testimonies praising its efficiency. However, it is hard to find studies that
will back these reposts.
Videos on YouTube will also show you how people have come up with other
inventive ways to use rice water such as a leave-in, as a co-wash or a scalp
rub. Some of the benefits people link to the use of rice water are
hair growth, hair strength, hair shine and hair conditioning which decreases
friction and facilitates hair styling.
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